Monday, August 15, 2011

Today I'm Thankful For:

Today was pretty rough, probably because I had to work even though it is the Sabbath. Life does that to me sometimes, and it's really hard to keep it from messing me up. As I get more and more upset over things that aren't part of my perfect Sunday (not hanging out with family, not meeting with the missionaries, listening to country music, going to work) I try to glom onto all the little things that do make me happy. It's not easy, and sometimes just makes me want to cry, but in the end, I do have those little things I'm thankful for.
Here are some from today:
1. The two gentlemen at the lodge who took the time to shake my hand and introduce themselves.
2. That we had pre-made cranberry juice.
3. Sister Pratt and I made it through our duet in Sacrament meeting.
4. At least my job's at night so I could still go to church.
5. The kitchen staff made sandwiches before service so I didn't have to stay as late.
6. That I got to wear a pretty new (hand-me-down) skirt to church.
7. That Brittany is so talented that she can give Thai massage and generous enough that she does.
8. There was salad left over from service so I got some green in my dinner.
9. My iPod was charged enough to let me listen to music while I vacuumed.
10. Mom picked me up from work so I wouldn't have to bike home in the dark.

My family's awesome. My job's pretty good (normally I'd say great, but given my mood pretty good is, well, pretty good.) I'm fairly healthy. I have to pack before Saturday morning and I have four twelve hour work days before then, but I'll survive. Yeah, I'm trying to find the positive. See everything as half full.