Sunday, October 18, 2009

Unfriending rules

Today as been, in a word, slow, but by no means unsatisfactory. It was full of chill time, family bonding time, and vegging time. If only it were a three day weekend so I could justify my lack of doing anything important (that is, scholastic.) One again, I failed to do homework, and my SAT II Spanish test studies have been limited to reading the practice book while brushing my teeth. Admittedly, I brush my teeth for quite a long time, and am actually learning from these mini study sessions. But yes, I chilled.

Upon waking (at the glorious hour of Nutcracker!) I checked my Facebook. I'm a bit of an addict. I tried to look up an old friend, only to find I had been deleted from his contact list! What is the etiquette that goes along with unfriending someone? Sure, I've deleted several people, but only because I really didn't like them, or had no memory of ever meeting them. Now, maybe he really doesn't like me, because I'm certain he remembers me. Or are there different rules that apply to Facebook friends that I just don't know about?

As sad as this is, what's worse is that it's the second time it's happened in the last two months. Have I suddenly become a cyber-leper?

This is irrational. Whether or not I'm a Facebook friend with someone shouldn't matter. They're still very nice people, and I'm still, you know, me. But hey, maybe I want to Facebook stalk you! (Or maybe that's why they unfriended me. I guess that'd make sense....) Maybe I should thank them. FB stalking someone can't be too healthy. At the very least it's a waste of time.

And with that I bid you tonight. Pray tomorrow I'll be more coherent. :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Munkins and Comfort

So I've been sitting here for the last however long, listening to Taylor Swift and trying to come up with something witty or impressive to say. This is all I got:

My toes are cold.

That's really about it. My fingers and toes are feeling pretty icy. My slippers have disappeared to that magical land where all lost slippers end up, and digging up enough effort to find a blanket or my munkin would take me away from the computer, then I would never get this blog in.

Oh, but how great does my munkin sound right now! You're saying, Erika, what in the name of all that is Blustery is a munkin? You wouldn't, seeing as I made up the word years ago. The joy of dancing around in my munkin made me think of the joyful little munchkins from The Wizard of Oz, and some how my less-developed but more-creative mind came up with the name munkin.

A munkin is warmth itself. It is perfection in a blankety-robey-pratically-sleeping-baggy thing. Fleece footy pajamas, without the feet. Kind of like those ''Snuggies'' (which I read somewhere were a big turn off as mothers' day gifts. I don't know why. I'd love one.)

I got my first munkin when I was but a wee little lass. I honestly don't remember when. It was red, and incredible, and I made sure to wear it on Christmas. Brittany got one in green. The problem was, in all the excitement of Christmas I quickly overheated and had to remove the beloved garment.

A couple of years ago Mom got me a new one. It's baby blue with white cuffs, and I love it. Unfortunately, it's a bit short in the arms and legs, so I have to find long socks to go with it. Small price to pay for the most cozy covering ever!

Moral of the story? I love my munkin.

Friday, October 9, 2009

What's in a Name?

Bearly on the go? Don't you mean barely on the go?

Why is this my name? It's actually pretty simple...Let's decode it!

Bear: Did you read Bolivian Bear by chance? I thought I'd carry my nickname into this blog too.

Bear-ly on the Go: So I'm Bear. And I'm on the Go. To somewhere. The thing is, I just don't know where yet! This year is more than just a senior year. This year is me figuring out where I fit in again at home, school, even the US. I'm also preparing for college, frantically trying to figure out where to go. Then there's dance, and testing, and family, and maybe making a little money, or Heaven forbid! finding enough spare time to sit and read a book.

However, I am a world-class procrastinator. I might sound busy, and I am, but it's partially because I put off everything I do until it's the last minute.

In fact, that's kind of why I made this blog: to have another reason to put off my Global Issues homework!

Anyway, that's why I'm Bear-ly on the Go!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The 1st Frantic Paragraph

Formatting is not my strong point. It never was. Probably never will be. For this I apologize, since this page isn't nearly as snazzy as I'm sure it could be if I were any good at formatting.

But that's beside the point. The main point of this ridiculous little post is to say Hi! I'm Erika. I'm here, writing again, because I missed Bolivianbear (and kinda hope you do too!) and hoped to squish one more little thing into my already smushed life. Don't expect Bear-ly on the Go! to be like Bolivianbear though....that was pretty reflective, and this will probably just be the franticly typed paragraph here and there. Still, if you like what you see, or you're my father who comments on everything I write, leave me a comment and I will love you for it.

There are my frantic paragraphs for now. I'm off to walk Starrgavin, make punkin (pumpkin) bread, and maybe even do some homework. If I'm lucky, in bed before midnight? Doubtful.