Monday, November 21, 2011

Gold Flecks

Step 1: Go to this link.
Step 2: Watch the Youtube video. (Spoiler Alert: It's a Mormon Message...)
Step 3: Read this blog. Even if you didn't follow step two.

Tonight at Family Home Evening (...get-together for friends, food, and churchy stuff) we were shown this video. In a nutshell: we are blessed with a million little flecks of gold (blessings) daily, but we don't always notice them because we're so busy working/looking for nuggets. By collecting the flecks, we can make our own nuggets.

I'm going to create today's nugget right now for you, my adorning readers.

• I got to dance with tons of cool people for four hours!
• Curry rice for dinner. Yum…
• Spinach salad with FETA! Double yum…
• Lovely back massage from lovely Russell.
• A fun FHE activity. Besides the video we made Thankful Turkeys, giving me ample opportunity to think of more things I’m thankful for.

And my little brother is a riot.
Step 4: Think of some of your flecks. And see if you can give some flecks to others.

On a completely different note, I found out today that I didn't make SPAC again...Not sure how I feel about this.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Forget Me Not

College is stressful. Life is stressful. Last night, during a Spanish-induced panic attack I felt rather hopeless. Spanish is kicking my butt. It's a pretty strange feeling for someone who used to have the will power to pull all-nighters for school. Okay, that still happens, but not as often. Even going to bed at one and waking up at six has drained me. And my shoulders and lower back ache.

When I first got up today I considered calling in sick, being sick, "accidentally" falling back asleep...anything to avoid Spanish. I didn't, though. I got up and saw a golden ticket on the kitchen table. That is, a chocolate bar that said golden ticket. It was from Relief Society's chocolate night, which I did not go to because I was at a tap concert.

Anyway, I'm waxing long. The point is what this ticket/chocolate bar said:
1. Forget not to be patient with yourself.
2. Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
3. Forget not to be happy now.
4. Forget not the "why" of the gospel.
5. Forget not that the Lord loves you.

That's President Uchtdorf, by the way. See? Read it.

I think each of these "petals" apply to me and my ridiculous relationship with Spanish, but it's time for me to Go and Do so I'll leave you to ponder how they can be applied to your life.


Oh, and the forget me not is the Alaska state and my high school class flower. How cool is that?