Step 2: Watch the Youtube video. (Spoiler Alert: It's a Mormon Message...)
Step 3: Read this blog. Even if you didn't follow step two.
Tonight at Family Home Evening (...get-together for friends, food, and churchy stuff) we were shown this video. In a nutshell: we are blessed with a million little flecks of gold (blessings) daily, but we don't always notice them because we're so busy working/looking for nuggets. By collecting the flecks, we can make our own nuggets.
I'm going to create today's nugget right now for you, my adorning readers.
• I got to dance with tons of cool people for four hours!
• Curry rice for dinner. Yum…
• Spinach salad with FETA! Double yum…
• Lovely back massage from lovely Russell.
• A fun FHE activity. Besides the video we made Thankful Turkeys, giving me ample opportunity to think of more things I’m thankful for.
And my little brother is a riot.
Step 4: Think of some of your flecks. And see if you can give some flecks to others.
On a completely different note, I found out today that I didn't make SPAC again...Not sure how I feel about this.