Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's a hairy story...

This is it, folks. After months of careful deliberation, I made the decision. I decided that long hair was really just the think for me.

Until last week when I went to the salon with the girls in my family. As I watched Mom and Britt get their hair trimmed, I got that tickly kind of sensation that I needed a change. So today at the salon I boldly declared, "I think I might wanna donate it, maybe. But if not, it's no big deal. Really, whatever you think would be good."

Okay, I firmed up the statement a little to, "I wanna donate it," but choosing a style was hard. Mom and Angela (dearest cousin)decided that A-line would work for me. Okay, I said. Results....


Except brown.

*Sad realization!* I have no pictures of my gorgeous long hair!! I always have it braided or in a bun, so no one can see that it was really to my belly button! This is really kind of sad. Remedy: I must grow it out again. It only took two and a half years...


Sorry for the lousy computer picture. As always, my camera battery is dead.

Anyway, I chopped it. A little over a foot of hair, gone. There are pros and cons, of course.
Pro: I like how swishy it is.
Con: I feel like I look five years younger, but also mom-ish.
Pro: It's swishy.
Con: I felt more beautiful/hot/sexy/cute whatever with long hair.
Pro: Potentially easy to care for.
Con: But easier than my everyday long hair dance bun?
Pro: No more split ends.
Con: I feel a little like Jo. I miss my hair.

On a kind of funny side note, Lu did the exact same thing. Poor chica, she's not happy, but I think it's adorable.

Anyway, that's the long and short of it.
Pardon the pun.


  1. Good work lady. It grows back and you'll miss it!

  2. LOVE the hair! And another pro? It goes to show that you really can pull off anything... and it's swishy :)
